The genre of our music video is rock from a mainstream American band which is known for its…
Our video opens with the band picking up instruments and beginning to play. There are 4 band members: guitarist, bassist, drummer and singer.
There will be shots of the band playing all through the song cut in with quick editing.
There will be a narrative treatment that loosely illustrates the lyrics.
The story of the video will be a girl (Ellie) crossing through different environments in a dream-like world reflecting the dream-like state of Hollywood. In this we intend to convey the preferred reading of the text as an exposé or satire on Hollywood values.
Amongst the scenes are Hawaiian shirts, cocktails, overweight americans etc.
As she goes through these different scenarios, various obstacles will arise to block her path and they will have some connection to the lyrics e.g “pay your surgeon very well”. Someone in white with a scalpel will attempt to perform an operation on her.
She will transition through the various locations and at the end she will wake up in front of the tv watching a Hollywood blockbuster (this will be chosen to be something particularly trashy to reflect the plasticity and fake-ness of Hollywood) like Legally Blonde.
You build on this in later discussions and develop the idea of 'Californication' as a type of excess and fantasy. We discussed Adorno at this point. Have you explained how you relate this to Adorno's ideas?