Tuesday, 24 September 2013


Today we examined the media theorist Theodore Adorno.

Adorno's theory is very relevant to  our groups song choice and the message behind it. Adorno states that all culture is in fact an industry, that has been set up by larger corporations as a carefully calculated investment, rather than human creativity flowing into our world by its own accord. This culture extends to art, literature, music and film and it is designed to keep the human population calm and contained by giving our minds easy and unchallenged food for thought, rather than new things that challenge our way of thinking and would have us think outside the box. This industry keep us occupied and sedated while the  corporations behind it, are able to do what they wish without resistance.

This theory ties in strongly with the lyrics of californication, stating that what we think we know to be artistic and creative is actually just one huge, fake, corporate product designed to keep us engaged and prevent us from progressing as people so that more money can be made out of us.

It is easy to see, especially in today's media world, why someone would think this way. With a steady stream of very bland and image obsessed pop stars who have mass appeal (especially with younger audiences) and a relatively short shelf life and have the purpose to simply make money rather than challenging the film or music world with groundbreaking new material.

  • Adorno, Theodor W. (1991), The Culture Industry: Selected essays on mass culture, Routledge, London.


  1. Please give your sources for your research (URLs for example).
    Please develop this explanation further so that Adorno's ideas are more fully presented.

  2. Look at the class blog post on Adorno and see if you can improve the detail here to raise your level as requested on 08.10.13:
